Hey Guys,

I am having a couple issues with a website when I view it in Internet Explorer. It works fine in Firefox, Google Chrome and probably most other browsers, but has issues with the navigational drop down and for some reason the footer is only partially coming up (cut off) in Internet Explorer.

So basically the Javascript based drop down (easeOutBounce) doesn't drop down in IE and the footer cuts off in IE.

Here is the link: http://valleyanimal.org/newvac/

Check it out in firefox, try the Nav and then scroll all the way to the bottom and look at the footer. Now do the same in Internet Explorer. See what I mean...

Notes: I am using cufon and rounding my corners....not sure if this make a difference.

Thank you for your time, any help will be greatly appreciated!

-Drew Parker


I'm, not in a great position to help as I've not used either easeOutBounce or Cufon but I can offer a strategy. I think you need to explore easeOutBounce vs. Cufon as the cause of the problems in IE.

Make copies of your page:

  • easeOutBounce ON Cufon OFF
  • Cufon ON easeOutBounce OFF

In each case, suppress the OFF feature completely - remove all traces.

This should tell you which feature is misbehaving and/or whether or not there is an interaction between them. Then you should have a better idea of what to Google to see if anyone has reported a solution.


Thanks Airshow will do, if anyone has any other helpful information or pointers please let me know.

- Drew

I figured it out, was the rounded corners hack I was using. Thank you.


Pity if you have to get rid of them. Rounded corners look good.


Yeah, it sucks...but it wasn't cooperating. The rounded corners script doesn't play nice with other components in IE, if you know of any that do please let me know. : )


- Drew


If you Google "jquery rounded corners" you will find some jQuery plugin solutions.

I haven't read them through but there's evidence that they are unreliable in IE, same as Cufon. However, with a little research, maybe you could find a good one.


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