i am using random query with pagination. but i am getting same results in second page also.
Two things I need to make happen:
1. click on a result, you click the back button, results are in same order.
2. You get a paginated list of results in a random order, but the order stays the same as you traverse the pagination.
how to solve this?
this is my query
//echo $_REQUEST['search_text'];exit;
//echo $otherParams;exit;
<? if($services!='')
//echo "abc";exit;
$seltalent=mysql_query("select * from localtalent where services='$services' && status=1 order by RAND() ");
$seltalent1=mysql_query("select * from localtalent where services='$services' && status=1 order by RAND() LIMIT $start , $q_limit");
$seltalent=mysql_query("select * from localtalent where status=1 order by RAND() ");
$seltalent1=mysql_query("select * from localtalent where status=1 order by RAND() LIMIT $start , $q_limit");