Hi there,

I have a few sites plus a few clients' sites I have designed and manage. At present, when I want to add a new feature to all of the sites, I code it into each site individually.

What I want to achieve is to be able to update one file on one 'main' URL, and my other websites at different URLs get automatically updates as well.

At the moment I am using reseller web hosting, which shares my sites across several servers, but if I upgraded my web hosting to a dedicated server so all my websites are on just the one same server, is there a way to use a server sided technique such as PHP Include to update the other sites?

This would be the perfect solution as I am familiar with PHP and use the PHP Include everyday! If I could set up a PHP Include from another URL, it would be fantastic and make maintaining my websites a million times easier and quicker!


If I built and hosted all of my sites on just one URL at sub paths e.g. maindomain.com/otherwebsite could I set up domain mapping so that another URL could be mapped to a sub path? Also, would that affect the search engine rankings as it's mapped?

Many many many thanks in advance!


Any help with this would be fantastic and massively appreciated.

Thank you and best wishes.

Thank you chrishea, I will take a look.

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