
I working on OnlineTraveling project, here issue is whenever I choose source city from dropdownlist at that event only related cities would be comes in dropdownlist of Destination city. It should not need to goes to server, it would be happen on same page.

I have done this by page submitting using javascript to server, but that time total page refresh and fluctuated.

So please help me.

Thanks in advance.

Nothing to do with JSP. Either you need to send all possibilites for the "destination" menu and use JavaScript to "filter" those according to the first choice, or you have to learn how to use AJAX (or something similar) properly. Or, of course, you can let the entire page be reloaded (I don't see the real problem with that). In any case, it has nothing to do with Java/JSP.

Edit: Moving to another forum.

Thank you.......

Can u send me ajax code for above dropdownlist.

No. We don't do things that way here.

ok fine

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