Hello. I need some direction for the following problem (I am not sure where to begin my research):

I essentially, using PHP and MySQL, allow a user to enter character data into a form, submit the form, and next have this data saved to the database, then a formatted version of said character data returned to the user's machine and displayed in the browser. (Similar to how I am entering text here, submitting and having a visible formatted copy to view)

I know this is probably a simple matter but I am having trouble getting all the necessary steps in order.

Thank-you for any help in advance.


which part are you having trouble with? I suggest you post what you have thus far and provide more details regarding your problem.

which part are you having trouble with? I suggest you post what you have thus far and provide more details regarding your problem.

I guess I am in the "theoretical" at this point, that is, I have not started coding anything yet. I am new to PHP and am just trying to sort out the steps as to solve this problem. This is a personal project and I am hoping to collect information or simply a push in the right direction from where I can do further research (thus far, my online search has not produced significant returns). I hope that I am explaing my original problem clearly: User types characters into form > submits > data is saved to database > user's formatted data is returned to browser and displayed.



Do you at least now how to insert the data into the DB? If not, then I suggest you first read an online tutorial on PHP:

If you are already familiar with the syntax of php, then try skipping to the "forms" section of the tutorial. Be sure the read the MySQL portion.

Do you at least now how to insert the data into the DB? If not, then I suggest you first read an online tutorial on PHP:

If you are already familiar with the syntax of php, then try skipping to the "forms" section of the tutorial. Be sure the read the MySQL portion.

Thank-you for your help, hielo :)

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