I use a search engine on my web site www.barmirrors.com I got it from Search Site Pro. It opens the search results in the same window thus making it hard to get back to where you came from. I would like the search results to be dispalyed in a new window. Here is the code I am using. I'm hoping it can be changed to open the results in a new window. Can this be done? Thanks in advance!

<!-- Start of Site Search Pro code -->
<script language="JavaScript"><!--
var remoteURL = 'http://www.barmirrors.com';
var sURL = remoteURL +'/searchpro/form.php?mode=js&s=1&t=1';
document.write('<script language="JavaScript"' +
'src="' + sURL + '"><\/script>');
<!-- End of Site Search Pro code -->

try using target="_blank" after the src attribute

That didn't seem to work for me. I tried putting the


almost everywhere in the script and the search results still opened in the same window. Maybe I didn't pinpoint it exactly. Any help is appreciated. Here is the search code again unaltered.

<!-- Start of Site Search Pro code -->
<script language="JavaScript"><!--
var remoteURL = 'http://www.barmirrors.com';
var sURL = remoteURL +'/searchpro/form.php?mode=js&s=1&t=1';
document.write('<script language="JavaScript"' +
'src="' + sURL + '"><\/script>');
<!-- End of Site Search Pro code -->

Hmm... your script just uses external URL for the link. It does not try to open a new window for the link. Could you try the code below instead? (not verify it myself... just off the top of my head...)

document.write("<a href=\"javascript:window.open('"+sURL+"')\">Search Link</a>")

First of all I want to thank those who have tried to help! Now I think I might be approaching this situation incorrectly. There are two files that were added to my web site when I purchased the search engine. They are titled 1)ASP version and 2)PHP version. Maybe the solution lies in altering the code or programming in one of these files??? If someone thinks they can help, I can post the code found in these files. I am a dummy when it comes to javascript or programming. Any help would be super appreciated!

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