I got problem verify the link from the email...now I can receive the email...
but the link pointing is a empty link...
$item_hash = md5($item_id);
//Send the email user...
$headers = 'MIME-Version: 1.0' . "\r\n";
$headers .= 'Content-type: text/html; charset=iso-8859-1' . "\r\n";
$headers .= 'X-Mailer: PHP/' . phpversion();
$subject = 'Test - '.$header;
$mail_msg = "<html><head><title>$header</title></head>
<p>You have a new unpublished ad. Please click the link below to verify.</p>
<p> </p>
<p><a href=\"http://www.***.com/verify.php?ad=$item_hash\">http://www.***.com/verify.php?ad=$item_hash</a></p>
<p> </p>
include 'config.php';
$c->debug = false;
$item_id = $_GET['item'];
$q = "select item_title, item_desc, item_price, datediff(now(), item_stamp), item_mode,
item_yr, item_room, item_space, item_htitle,
loc_id, sub_id, user_id, item_id, item_addr
from post_item where md5(item_id) = '$item_id' and item_publish != 2";
$r = $c->Execute($q);
$title = $r->fields[0];
$desc = $r->fields[1];
$price = $r->fields[2];
$day = $r->fields[3];
$mode = $r->fields[4];
$yr = $r->fields[5];
$room = $r->fields[6];
$space = $r->fields[7];
$htitle = $r->fields[8];
$loc_id = $r->fields[9];
$sub_id = $r->fields[10];
$user_id = $r->fields[11];
$item_id = $r->fields[12];
$addr = $r->fields[13];
$q = "select loc_name from location where loc_id = $loc_id";
$r = $c->Execute($q);
$location = $r->fields[0];
$q = "select A.sub_name, B.cat_name from subcategory A, category B where A.cat_id = B.cat_id";
$r = $c->Execute($q);
$subcat = $r->fields[0];
$cat = $r->fields[1];
$q = "select user_name, user_email, user_phone from post_user where user_id = $user_id";
$r = $c->Execute($q);
$name = $r->fields[0];
$email = $r->fields[1];
$phone = $r->fields[2];
if($mode == 1)
{ $mode = 'Sell'; }
if($mode == 2)
{ $mode = 'Rent'; }
if($mode == 3)
{ $mode = 'Sell/Rent'; }
if($day == 0){
$day = 'Today';
else if($day == 1){
$day = 'Yesterday';
$day = $day.' days ago';
{ exit; }
$nofile = 0;
$file = array();
$q = "select img_path from images where item_id = $item_id order by img_id asc";
$r = $c->Execute($q);
array_push($file, $r->fields[0]);
please help..thanks!