Hi guys and gals!
I want to know if I am on the right track.

I am working on a simple in-house cms. Here is a templating function I wrote to test an idea. It does work.

  1. The function loads the template file,
  2. finds all the template variables (eg. {_variable_}).
  3. if the variable was passed to the function ($value array) it will be replaced in the template
  4. Else it will replace it with output from a php file with the same name as the variable

Your feedback and ideas welcome!

function humpot_templater($vars=array(), $template="template.html", $php_blocks_folder=""){
		if(!@include($template)) {
				//include the template file
				print("Template not found at: ./".$template);
	preg_match_all('/\{_(.*?)_\}/', $html, $matches, PREG_PATTERN_ORDER);
	if (isset($matches[1])){
		foreach($matches[1] as $variable){
			if(isset($vars[$variable]) && is_array($vars)){ 
				//get the variable already set in $vars arry
			} else {
				//include the php code block coresponing to the template variable
				//block must output a string (can be script, css or html)
						print ("Error: Template variable '".$variable."' was not set or './".$php_blocks_folder.$variable.".php' does not exist.");
				$templ_replacements[$variable]=ob_get_clean();//if the block exists then this now countains its output
	return  preg_replace("/{_(.*?)_}/ime", "\$templ_replacements['$1']",$html);

I want to know if I am on the right track.

From the code snippet you have sent it appears you are on the right track but just keep in mind that regex otherwise known as the preg_ functions take up a lot of cpu. So in that code snippet the only suggestion I would make is to replace the last preg_replace with a loop ("for loop" probably) that finds the entries and replaces the entries by appending to a new string as it comes across each character. But other than that great job. :)

Thanks cwarn23,
Will implement the change you suggested.

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