Ok this is my first post so please be gentle...
I have tried several ways to get data to a mysql database from radio buttons that have male or female options..
I had it saving to the database but couldn't get the data out and into the radio button...
example : gender is M ...
Now I can get the 'M' to echo from the database and display on the page but can't get the radio button to be set to checked...
// code for form details -- this goes to a bit of javascript ...
$musoID = $_SESSION['musoID'];
$username = $_SESSION['username'];
echo "You are logged in as $username. ";
require ('../mdb/connect.php'); //require ('../mrequire/getMyDetails.php');
$sqlGetDetails = "SELECT * FROM muso WHERE username = '$username'";
$result = mysql_query($sqlGetDetails);
while($row = mysql_fetch_array($result)) {
$rid = $row['musoID'];
$rusername = $row['username'];
$rfname = $row['fName'];
$rlname = $row['lName'];
$remail = $row['email'];
$rphone = $row['phone'];
$rgender = $row['gender'];
$rage = $row['age'];
$raboutMe = $row['aboutMe'];//action=\"mrequire/updateDetails.php\"
echo <<<_END
<legend>My Personal Details</legend>
<form method="POST">
<div id="ajaxresponse">
First Name:<br />
<input type="text" id="txtFname" name="txtFname" value="$rfname"/><br />
Last Name:<br />
<input type="text" id="txtLname" name="txtLname" value="$rlname"/><br />
Email:<br />
<input type="text" name="txtEmail" id="txtEmail" value="$remail"/><br />
Phone:<br />
<input type="text" name="txtPhone" id="txtPhone" value="$rphone"/><br />
Gender:<br />
if($rgender == "F"){
echo "girl!<br />
<input type=\"radio\" name=\"rbGender\" value=\"M\" /> Male
<input type=\"radio\" name=\"rbGender\" value=\"F\" checked=\"checked\" />Female<br />";
elseif($rgender == "M") {
echo "not girl<br />
<input type=\"radio\" id=\"rbGender\" name=\"rbGender\" value=\"M\" checked=\"checked\" /> Male
<input type=\"radio\" id=\"rbGender\" name=\"rbGender\" value=\"F\" >Female<br />";
else {
echo "<input type=\"radio\" name=\"rbGender\" value=\"M\" /> Male
<input type=\"radio\" name=\"rbGender\" value=\"F\" checked=\"checked\" />Female<br />";
echo <<<_END
Age:<br />
<input type="text" id="txtAge" name="txtAge" value="$rage" /><br />
About Me:<br />
<textarea rows="4" cols="16" id="txtAboutMe" name="txtAboutMe">$raboutMe</textarea><br />
<input type="button" id="btnSaveDetails" onclick="SaveDetails();" value="Save Details" />
here's the js file
function SaveDetails()
type: "POST",
url: "mrequire/updateDetails.php",
data: "txtFname=" + $('#txtFname').val() + "&txtLname=" + $('#txtLname').val() +
"&txtEmail=" + $('#txtEmail').val() + "&txtPhone=" + $('#txtPhone').val() +
"&rbGender=" + $("input[name='rbGender']").val() + "&txtAge=" + $('#txtAge').val() +
"&txtAboutMe=" + $('#txtAboutMe').val(),
success: function(html){
here's the update details file--
require ('../mdb/connect.php');
require ('../msql/mysqlFixStrings.php');
$PROMPT = "";
$username = $_SESSION['username'];
echo "<h4>Details for $username have been updated!</h4>";
$fname = mysql_fix_string($_POST['txtFname']); //echo "your first name is $fname<br />";
$lname = mysql_fix_string($_POST['txtLname']); //echo "your last name is $lname<br />";
$email = mysql_fix_string($_POST['txtEmail']); //echo "your email is $email<br />";
$phone = mysql_fix_string($_POST['txtPhone']); //echo "your phone number is $phone<br />";
$age = mysql_fix_string($_POST['txtAge']); //echo "your age is $age<br />";
$gender = mysql_fix_string($_POST['rbGender']); //echo "you are a $gender<br />";
$aboutMe = mysql_fix_string($_POST['txtAboutMe']); //echo "this is about you $aboutMe";
$fname = strip_tags($fname);
$lname = strip_tags($lname);
$email = strip_tags($email);
$phone = strip_tags($phone);
$age = strip_tags($age);
$gender = strip_tags($gender);
$aboutMe = strip_tags($aboutMe);
echo $gender;
$queryUpdate = "update muso set fName = '$fname', lName = '$lname', email = '$email', phone = '$phone',
age = '$age', gender = '$gender', aboutMe = '$aboutMe' where username = '$username'";//// need session musoID!!!
$result = mysql_query($queryUpdate);
All of the code except the radio buttons works...
Any help is greatly appreciated.... by the way I'm pretty new to php and programming in general... so sorry if I ask dumb stuff...