Whilst working on my first MYSQL, i came accross this error, and even with a friend who is a pretty good coder and we couldn't work it out

$con=mysql_connect("mysql3.000webhost.com","a2778852_556875", "pendolino390");

	mysql_create_db("personal_experience", $con);
	if($con) {
	$sql="CREATE DATABASE personal_ex
			Additioncode int NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT,
			PRIMARY KEY(Additioncode),
			Personalexperiences text,
			Sex tinyint,
			Age int,
			Sexuality tinyint,
		$sql="insert into personal_ex(Personalexperience,Sex,Age,Sexuality) values ('$post[Personalexperience]','$post[Sex],$post[Age]','$post[Sexuality]')";

//insert record	
        echo "Added to records";

Can anyone here help me?

Missing single quotes on line 22.

Changed it to single quotes then gave me an "T_VARIABLE" error

$sql="insert into personal_ex(Personalexperience,Sex,Age,Sexuality) values ('$post[Personalexperience]','$post[Sex],$post[Age]','$post[Sexuality]')";

What is the '$post[]' ? Is it the php array or the HTTP_POST_VAR ? The correct use of the HTTP_POST_VAR is '$_POST' or '$_REQUEST'.

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