I was finding Database schema for CMS that are already there (Drupal, Joomla et al) but not yet succeeded. I would be happy if anybody points me to it. I want to adopt for my uses, droping this and adding that!

can't you just install any of those packages (the one you prefer) and then reverse-engineer the db design since that is all you want. You should be able to generate a diagram using MySQL workbench:

What CMS you are using now?

can't you just install any of those packages (the one you prefer) and then reverse-engineer the db design since that is all you want. You should be able to generate a diagram using MySQL workbench:

I have already tried that long ago and it got me some tables but relationships are lost. Did I miss something?

What CMS you are using now?

None so far!
Although I have tried Joomla/Drupal/Wordpress

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