I have an XML file like such:

			<banners><![CDATA[Lots of <u>text</u> with tons of <a href="#">links</a> and <i>other</i> markup.]]></banners>
			<banners><![CDATA[Lots of <u>text</u> with tons of <a href="#">links</a> and <i>other</i> markup.]]></banners>
			<banners><![CDATA[Lots of <u>text</u> with tons of <a href="#">links</a> and <i>other</i> markup.]]></banners>
			 <banners><![CDATA[Lots of <u>text</u> with tons of <a href="#">links</a> and <i>other</i> markup.]]></banners>
			<banners><![CDATA[Lots of <u>text</u> with tons of <a href="#">links</a> and <i>other</i> markup.]]></banners>

What I need to be able to do is pull the CDATA content out, WITH the tags intact, have the client edit the content with a markup editor and put unentitied HTML back into the CDATA section. I have been able to pull the content out of the CDATA field with

$doc = new DomDocument();
$file = "spice.xml";
$xPath = new DomXPath($doc);
$homesCopy 	= $xPath->query("//sections/homesCopy/banners");
echo $homesCopy->item(0)->nodeValue;

but I cannot for the life of me figure out how to simply edit that content and put it back without turning the HTML tags into their entities.

. I have been able to pull the content out of the CDATA field with

How do you know which banner you are editing at any given time? I was expecting to see each banner node with a unique id attribute so that when you edit, you would know which node to update. Where's your attempted update code?

assuming you are POSTing from a form with <input name='homesCopy'> try:

$doc = new DomDocument();
$file = "spice.xml";
$xPath = new DomXPath($doc);
$homesCopy 	= $xPath->query("//sections/homesCopy/banners")->item(0);
if( isset($_POST['homesCopy']) ){
echo $homesCopy->nodeValue;
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