Help! This contact form keeps displaying the error for an invalid email address, no matter what I do! Where did I go wrong?
Thanks in advance!
PHP Syntax
<table width="570px" border="0" cellspacing="10px" cellpadding="0" align="center">
<td align="center">
if (isset($_POST["op"]) && ($_POST["op"]=="send")) {
/******** START OF CONFIG SECTION *******/
$sendto = "";
$subject = "Website Contact";
// Select if you want to check form for standard spam text
$SpamCheck = "Y"; // Y or N
$SpamReplaceText = "*content removed*";
// Error message printed if spam form attack found
$SpamErrorMessage = "<p align=\"center\"><font color=\"red\">Malicious code content detected.
</font><br><b>Your IP Number of <b>".getenv("REMOTE_ADDR")."</b> has been logged.</b></p>";
/******** END OF CONFIG SECTION *******/
$indivor = $HTTP_POST_VARS['indivor'];
$reques = $HTTP_POST_VARS['reques'];
$relat = $HTTP_POST_VARS['relat'];
$ship = $HTTP_POST_VARS['ship'];
$email = $HTTP_POST_VARS['email'];
$phone = $HTTP_POST_VARS['phone'];
$inreq = $HTTP_POST_VARS['inreq'];
$message = $HTTP_POST_VARS['message'];
$headers = "From: $email\n";
$headers . "MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
. "Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit\n"
. "Content-type: text/html; charset = \"iso-8859-1\";\n\n";
if ($SpamCheck == "Y") {
// Check for Website URL's in the form input boxes as if we block website URLs from the form,
// then this will stop the spammers wasting time sending emails
if (preg_match("/http/i", "$indivor")) {echo "$SpamErrorMessage"; exit();}
if (preg_match("/http/i", "$reques")) {echo "$SpamErrorMessage"; exit();}
if (preg_match("/http/i", "$relat")) {echo "$SpamErrorMessage"; exit();}
if (preg_match("/http/i", "$ship")) {echo "$SpamErrorMessage"; exit();}
if (preg_match("/http/i", "$email")) {echo "$SpamErrorMessage"; exit();}
if (preg_match("/http/i", "$phone")) {echo "$SpamErrorMessage"; exit();}
if (preg_match("/http/i", "$inreq")) {echo "$SpamErrorMessage"; exit();}
if (preg_match("/http/i", "$message")) {echo "$SpamErrorMessage"; exit();}
// Pattern match search to strip out the invalid characters, this prevents the mail injection spammer
$pattern = '/(;|\||`|>|<|&|^|"|'."\n|\r|'".'|{|}|[|]|\)|\()/i'; // build the pattern match string
$indivor= preg_replace($pattern, "", $indivor);
$reques= preg_replace($pattern, "", $reques);
$relat = preg_replace($pattern, "", $relat);
$ship = preg_replace($pattern, "", $ship);
$email = preg_replace($pattern, "", $email);
$phone = preg_replace($pattern, "", $phone);
$inreq = preg_replace($pattern, "", $inreq);
$message = preg_replace($pattern, "", $message);
// Check for the injected headers from the spammer attempt
// This will replace the injection attempt text with the string you have set in the above config section
$find = array("/bcc\:/i","/Content\-Type\:/i","/cc\:/i","/to\:/i");
$email = preg_replace($find, "$SpamReplaceText", $email);
$indivor = preg_replace($find, "$SpamReplaceText", $indivor);
$reques = preg_replace($find, "$SpamReplaceText", $reques);
$relat = preg_replace($find, "$SpamReplaceText", $relat);
$ship = preg_replace($find, "$SpamReplaceText", $ship);
$phone = preg_replace($find, "$SpamReplaceText", $phone);
$inreq = preg_replace($find, "$SpamReplaceText", $inreq);
$message = preg_replace($find, "$SpamReplaceText", $message);
// Check to see if the fields contain any content we want to ban
if(stristr($indivor, $SpamReplaceText) !== FALSE) {echo "$SpamErrorMessage"; exit();}
if(stristr($reques, $SpamReplaceText) !== FALSE) {echo "$SpamErrorMessage"; exit();}
if(stristr($relat, $SpamReplaceText) !== FALSE) {echo "$SpamErrorMessage"; exit();}
if(stristr($ship, $SpamReplaceText) !== FALSE) {echo "$SpamErrorMessage"; exit();}
if(stristr($phone, $SpamReplaceText) !== FALSE) {echo "$SpamErrorMessage"; exit();}
if(stristr($inreq, $SpamReplaceText) !== FALSE) {echo "$SpamErrorMessage"; exit();}
if(stristr($message, $SpamReplaceText) !== FALSE) {echo "$SpamErrorMessage"; exit();}
// Do a check on the send email and subject text
if(stristr($sendto, $SpamReplaceText) !== FALSE) {echo "$SpamErrorMessage"; exit();}
if(stristr($subject, $SpamReplaceText) !== FALSE) {echo "$SpamErrorMessage"; exit();}
// Build the email body text
$emailcontent = "
Website Contact
For an Individual? Or a Group? $indivor
Requested By: $reques
Relationship to child or group: $relat
Address to ship instrument: $ship
Phone Number: $phone
Email: $email
Instrument(s) Requested: $inreq
Other Information: $message
End of Email
// Check that the email address entered matches the standard email address format
if(!filter_var($email, FILTER_VALIDATE_EMAIL)) {
echo "<p>ERROR! It appears you entered an invalid email address.</p><p><a href='javascript: history.go(-1)'>Click here to go back</a>.</p>";
elseif (!trim($indivor)) {
echo "<p>ERROR! Please go back and enter if you are an Individual or a Group.</p><p><a href='javascript: history.go(-1)'>Click here to go back</a>.</p>";
elseif (!trim($reques)) {
echo "<p>ERROR! Please go back and enter Requested By.</p><p><a href='javascript: history.go(-1)'>Click here to go back</a>.</p>";
elseif (!trim($relat)) {
echo "<p>ERROR! Please go back and enter Relationship To.</p><p><a href='javascript: history.go(-1)'>Click here to go back</a>.</p>";
elseif (!trim($ship)) {
echo "<p>ERROR! Please go back and enter Address To Ship.</p><p><a href='javascript: history.go(-1)'>Click here to go back</a>.</p>";
elseif (!trim($email)) {
echo "<p>ERROR! Please go back and enter an Email address.</p><p><a href='javascript: history.go(-1)'>Click here to go back</a>.</p>";
elseif (!trim($phone)) {
echo "<p>ERROR! Please go back and enter a Phone Number.</p><p><a href='javascript: history.go(-1)'>Click here to go back</a>.</p>";
elseif (!trim($inreq)) {
echo "<p>ERROR! Please go back and fill in the Instrument Request field.</p><p><a href='javascript: history.go(-1)'>Click here to go back</a>.</p>";
// Sends out the email or will output the error message
elseif (mail($sendto, $subject, $emailcontent, $headers)) {
echo "<br><br><p><b>Thank You $name</b></p><p>We will be in touch as soon as possible.</p>";
else {
<p align="left">Musical Instrument Request Form
<br /><br />
NOTE: If Individual child request, please provide music teacher name and contact information in your message.
<br /><br />
Please complete all the information and we will get back to you shortly.</p>
<form method="post"><INPUT NAME="op" TYPE="hidden" VALUE="send">
<td><p>For an Individual? Or a Group?</p></td>
<input name="indivor" type="text" size="30" maxlength="25">
<td><p>Requested By:</p></td>
<input name="reques" type="text" size="30" maxlength="150">
<td><p>Relationship to child or group:</p></td>
<input name="relat" type="text" size="30" maxlength="150">
<td><p>Address to ship instrument:</p></td>
<input name="ship" type="text" size="30" maxlength="300">
<td><p>Phone Number:</p></td>
<input name="phone" type="text" size="30" maxlength="150">
<input name="email" type="text" size="30" maxlength="150">
<td><p>Instrument(s) Requested:</p></td>
<input name="inreq" type="text" size="30" maxlength="150">
<td valign="top"><p>Other Information:</p></td>
<td><textarea name="message" cols="40" rows="6"></textarea></td>
<tr><td></td> <td><input name="submit" type="submit" value="Send Message"></td></tr>
<?php } ?>