betdun 0 Newbie Poster

We have an web application on a customer server. This application uses access database.
But database locks every 2 or 3 months. Web platform is ASP .NET. We controlled all the codes and there is no open connection or other code errors. Customer server administrator controlled it by unlocker program. When application locked, unlocker report shows that;

Process Path Locked PID Handle Process Path
w3wp.exe D:\WebSites\Apps\PRM\App_Data\PrmLive.ldb 1348 2404 c:\windows\system32\inetsvr\w3wp.exe
w3wp.exe D:\WebSites\Apps\PRM\App_Data\PrmLive.ldb 1348 2492 c:\windows\system32\inetsvr\w3wp.exe
w3wp.exe D:\WebSites\Apps\PRM\App_Data\PrmLive.ldb 1348 2478 c:\windows\system32\inetsvr\w3wp.exe
w3wp.exe D:\WebSites\Apps\PRM\App_Data\PrmLive.ldb 1348 2785 c:\windows\system32\inetsvr\w3wp.exe
w3wp.exe D:\WebSites\Apps\PRM\App_Data\PrmLive.ldb 1348 2795 c:\windows\system32\inetsvr\w3wp.exe
w3wp.exe D:\WebSites\Apps\PRM\App_Data\PrmLive.ldb 1348 2201 c:\windows\system32\inetsvr\w3wp.exe
w3wp.exe D:\WebSites\Apps\PRM\App_Data\PrmLive.ldb 1348 2967 c:\windows\system32\inetsvr\w3wp.exe
w3wp.exe D:\WebSites\Apps\PRM\App_Data\PrmLive.ldb 1348 2986 c:\windows\system32\inetsvr\w3wp.exe

We are trying the application on our server and there is no lock and no error. We can't find where the problem. Can you help us please:(

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