I need to analyze a string and get the text between, before, and after the forward slashes..
The string will always look something like this, but will vary:
$str = "I will go to the store with <# one/two/three #> people."
Then I need to create a form with radio buttons for each choice. In this case (one, two, or three).
The text between the <# ... #> could be different every time, and with uknown amount of forward slashes.
Here is what I have so far but it doesn't work.
Code to find if there are slashes:
preg_match_all( '/([/]+)/',$str,$matches);
Code to create html form ..
$i = 0;
$html = '<form>';
foreach ($matches[0] as $match){
if ($pos = strpos( $str,$match ) ) === false )
$html .= '<input type="radio" name="place-' . $i . '" value=". $match . '" /> ';
$html .= '</form>';
Its not working as needed. I'm not sure how to create radio button choices for the words (one, two, three).