Doing a upgrade most likely next year on my website, but need to figure out how much to budget for it. I like the look of the following sites and was wondering:


Can you tell if they are:

a) wordpress customization jobs? or another cms tool? can these sites be created in that fashion so that I have a bit more controls despite not being a javascript expert like some of you?
b) how much a job like this would cost me if I wanted to do it to my current site?
c) what other details I may need to know to upgrade from a wordpres site to these?

It is impossible to say how much a job like this would cost because I have no idea what you are looking to get out of your website. That is the most important variable when quoting a website. has an appealing layout and could easily be set up with cms but a site like would take A LOT longer to build and get everything feeding to the page correctly, and the price would reflect that accordingly.

Yes agreed with RykeTech it is not possible to estimate the worth. The two provided site are very different from each other. can be built using a CMS like Wordpress or Joomla easily in 1-2 months but site like usually have their own CMS, it takes too long to built site like it.

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