
I am after some advice, any would be very much appreciated.

I want to create a members area, members login and their information is displayed.

I have created the login and register pages and now I am at the stage of having a MYSQL database with information in relevant to each user.

I am stuck on how do I display the information for only that logged in user... What is the best thing to use and how do I get the information to display?

If you could help that would be great.

Thank you.

Here is one to do it. After the user has login, store the user name (which uniquely identifies that user) in session and then use that to query your database for information on that user.

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Here is one to do it. After the user has login, store the user name (which uniquely identifies that user) in session and then use that to query your database for information on that user.

And "turn on" a variable that says user is logged...

you can also store the log-in information as cookie in users' browser so that when they return the won't need to log in again.

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