Hi all,
New here and hoping you can help me. Here's what I'm trying to do:
I have a database table full of customers and their master records, with fields for their ID number, email, name, address, etc. I have another table for store credit, which contains only the customer ID and the amount of credit they have. Just in case you think this one's too easy and I forgot an "s" somewhere, the field for the customer ID number in the master table is customers_id, while the field for the id number in the store credit table is customer_id.
I have actions for editing and deleting existing store credit records which work perfectly. I'm stuck on adding a new record. I'm populating the customer data with a drop down menu which consists of their names and email addresses. The form then contains an input field for the amount, then a submit button. I can hit the database with the amount, but I cannot get it to recognize the customer selected from the drop down menu, no matter what I do! I've tried to create a variable for the email address to tie back for retrieval through the form's hidden input value, i.e. "selected". Seems my hidden input comes after the hidden security token (which is built into the form function) and shows up as an unfilled menu, which is why I added the non-display style. Not sure if that's messing me up, the query is the problem, something else with the form is the problem, I'm missing some Javascript, not using the correct Javascript, or what.
Hoping you can please take a look and point me in the right direction. Thanks very much!
PHP to create the form:
$data = array('form' => draw_form('customer_dropdown', LINK_TO_ACTION, 'page=' . $_GET['page'] . '&action=newrecord') . '<input type="hidden" name="selected" value=""><input type="submit" value="">'. html_entity_decode(draw_drop_down_menu('customers_email_address" onchange="document.customer_dropdown.selected.value=this.value', $customers, $_GET['customer'])));
HTML the form displays:
<form name="customer_dropdown" action="http://site.com/page.php?page=1&action=newrecord" method="post"><input type="hidden" name="securityToken" value="randomSequence1234567890"><input type="hidden" name="selected" value=""><input type="submit" value="" style="display: none"><select rel="dropdown" name="customers_email_address" onchange="document.customer_dropdown.selected.value=this.value">
<option value="" selected="selected">Please Select</option>
<option value="email1@email.com">Lastname, Firstname (email1@email.com)</option>
<option value="email2@email.com">Lastname, Firstname (email2@email.com)</option>
<option value="email3@email.com">Lastname, Firstname (email3@email.com)</option>
<option value="email4@email.com">Lastname, Firstname (email4@email.com)</option>
<option value="email5@email.com">Lastname, Firstname (email5@email.com)</option>
Back to PHP again, where this information is supposed to go:
switch ($action) {
case 'newrecord':
$customer_email = $_POST['selected'];
$customer_select = $db->Execute("select customers_id from " . TABLE_CUSTOMERS . " where customers_email_address = '" . $customer_email . "' and customers_id = '" . $customers_id . "' ");
$customers_id = db_get_input($_GET['customer_select']);
$amount = db_get_input($_POST['amount']);
// needs input customer and amount
if ($customers_id =="") {
$alertMessage->add_session(FAILURE_CUSTOMER_NOT_SELECTED, 'error');
if ($amount == 0.00) {
$alertMessage->add_session(FAILURE_AMOUNT_NOT_SELECTED, 'error');
if ($customers_id =="" or $amount == 0.00) {
redirect(url_link(LINK_TO_ACTION,'action=new' . (isset($_GET['page']) ? '&page=' . $_GET['page'] : '')).'">'.image_button('button_add.gif','Add Record ' . TEXT_INFO) .'</a>' );
// quit if customer already exists
$check_existing = $db->Execute("select customer_id from " . TABLE_STORE_CREDIT . "
where customer_id = '" . $customers_id . "' ");
if ($check_existing->RecordCount() > 0) {
$alertMessage->add_session(FAILURE_CUSTOMER_EXISTS . $customers_id , 'error');
} else {
$insert_query = $db->Execute("insert into " . TABLE_STORE_CREDIT . "
(customer_id, amount) values ('" . db_input($customers_id) . "', '" . (float)db_input($amount) . "')");
// check for successful record creation
$check_existing = $db->Execute("select customer_id from " . TABLE_STORE_CREDIT . "
where customer_id = '" . $customers_id . "' ");
if ($check_existing->RecordCount() > 0 and $check_existing->fields['customer_id'] > 0 and $check_existing->fields['amount'] > 0) {
$alertMessage->add_session(SUCCESS_RECORD_ADDED . $customers_id . '$'.number_format($amount, 2, '.', ',') , 'success');
} else {
$alertMessage->add_session(FAILURE_RECORD_NOT_ADDED, 'error');
redirect(url_link(LINK_TO_ACTION, 'page=' . $_GET['page'] . '&cid=' . $customers_id));