Hey guys,

For some reason I cannot get an image I have uploaded to display when I try to render it through an <img> tag within a response.write() API Call in C#. Here is my code:

protected void uploadFiles(object sender, EventArgs e)
        HttpFileCollection allFiles = Request.Files;
        for (int i = 0; i < allFiles.Count; i++)
            HttpPostedFile singleFile = allFiles[i];
                if (singleFile.ContentLength > 0)
                    //Get the name of the file
                    string fileName = singleFile.FileName.Substring(singleFile.FileName.LastIndexOf("\\") + 1);
                    //The name of the image with the Images
                    string image = "Images"; +"//" + fileName;

                    //Save it to the server

                    string htmlOutPut = "File Size: " +
                     singleFile.ContentLength + "kb<br>";

                    htmlOutPut += "File Name: " + fileName + "</ br>";

                    //SOURCE OF ERROR. The image is never displayed
                    htmlOutPut += "<img src=" + image + "/>";
            catch (Exception ex)

I'm basically uploading it and then saving it and just trying to display the image by using an image tag but the image I'm trying to upload does not show up. The only thing that shows up is the standard small image not found thumbnail. I've tried numerous things such as ResolveUrl and it still does not render the image. In addition I also made a static <img> tag within my form and was able to display an image from the same directory I'm uploading and saving the image to!

Can anyone give me some advice on how to get this working?

Response.Write should be outside the for loop.

protected void uploadFiles(object sender, EventArgs e)
        for (int i = 0; i < allFiles.Count; i++)

The code...

string image = "Images"; +"//" + fileName;

Should be..

string image = "Images" +"//" + fileName;

You have added an unnecessary semi-colon which will effectively terminate that statement so the filename never gets added.

Surprised your IDE did not flag up a warning on compilation - mine certainly did!

Thanks for the quick replies.

Hey 'Crappy Coder; I took out the semicolon and still this image does not display (I actually had a typo when I was pasting it into the code tags).

I've tried numerous things but nothing seems to work! So far I've tried:

htmlOutPut += "<img src=&quot;" + Server.MapPath(image) + "&quot; />";


htmlOutPut += "<img src='" + ResolveUrl(Server.MapPath(image)) + "' />";


htmlOutPut += "<img src=" + image + " />";

But nothing displays! Do I need to convert this to a bit map before I can display it?

Ideally you should be using a virtual or relative path so using Server.MapPath is not to be recommended as it gives a hacker a chance to peruse your directory structure.

Have you tried...

<img src="Images/<imagename>" />

BTW what is the value of htmlOutPut AFTER you have assigned the image name to it?

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