I am accessing images from another website. I am getting "failed to open stream: HTTP request failed! HTTP/1.1 400 Bad Request " error when copying 'some(not all)' images. here is my code.

$img=$_GET['img']; //another website url

function getFileextension($file) {
       return end(explode(".", $file));
if($fileext=='jpg' || $fileext=='gif' || $fileext=='jpeg' || $fileext=='png' || $fileext=='x-png' || $fileext=='pjpeg'){


i am copying images from another site. when ever copy function executes then i am getting this error. Warning: copy(http://www.xyz.com/store/images/uploads/2009 /RIBDI018 fancy blue white diamond ring.jpg) [function.copy]: failed to open stream: HTTP request failed! HTTP/1.1 400 Bad Request in /home/content/22/7101122/html/getimage.php on line 17

yes....i am allowing to copy. some images are copying but some are getting this error.

There are some other copy functions in the manual's comments. Do those fail as well ? However, I still think the server is blocking your copy.

i have a small doubt...why this error occurs?


i m facinng during my files this error http/1.1 400. plz help me to sort this. thanks

If you read the previous link, you may get some indication of what are possible causes. If yo uneed more help, please start a new thread and provide more info on what you have done, and what software you are running.

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