Hi I have a CF application that uses a form page to enter data into the input fields, then passes those fields as SESSION variables to the action page so that the use can view hwo the page is going to look. basically is an application to build new html documents/pages.
Everything so far works fine. I have need to keep adding input fields at various stages, and so I have added a text area for the purpose of adding a list of sorts which is a list of cross references to a particular product related to the page being built.
The cross reference list variable: SESSION.crossRefList is then passed to the action page and displayed in an unordered list by means of <cfloop> like so:
<cfif SESSION.crossRefList NEQ "">
<cfloop index="crossRefList" list="#FORM.crossRefList#" delimiters="#chr(13)##chr(10)#">
All is fine with this except: Each page may have one list or it may have 20 lists. And each list is started with a brand name that is ideally enclosed in an <h3> tag.
I would love to be able for the data entry girl to enter this without having to actually enclose the first list item in <h3> tags, however, it ezcapes me on how this would be accomplished, since again this is completely dynamic and the number if list items is unknown. Here is an example of the lists I'm talking about, then you can see what I trying to figure out.
Products Imager 100
[B]Best Hood[/B]
Compound Microscope
Trinocular, Catalog No. A-48924-30
Flexible Halogen Light
Hood Light HG5W36TS
As you can see, the lists are formatted like the above example. so when the data entry girl wants to build a page with a similar list, she would now do it like this:
<h3>Cross Reference</h3>
Having to manually enter any text formatting such as the <h3> tag or extra line breaks if needed.
I hope this all makes sense. Again, The way I have it now, the data entry girl has to type in the <h3> tags for the bolded texts above to be styled correctly. I would love to be able to have this done for her so she wouldnt have to worry about that. Thanks for any help and if you need any more info, let me know.