I creat small program with windows Application ,Iwant to connected to ASP.Net web site

some one tell me it is impossibal

so I deployment this program

I ask if I can connected with Asp.net website??

>creat small program with windows Application ,Iwant to connected to ASP.Net web site

Tell us something about your winapp. What is the core purpose of this winapp? .Net framework has System.Net API (especially WebClient, WebRequest, and WebResponse) to send request, to receive response, to upload & download files.

>creat small program with windows Application ,Iwant to connected to ASP.Net web site

Tell us something about your winapp. What is the core purpose of this winapp? .Net framework has System.Net API (especially WebClient, WebRequest, and WebResponse) to send request, to receive response, to upload & download files.

web request

and also if you know how to alllow the user to download it???


I'm not sure what you're asking about the Web Request. What do you want to happen?

As far as downloading the WinApp. You just need to store your installer someplace on your site that the user can access. If you set up a link like

<a href="myFolder/myApp.zip" title="Right-Click and choose Save As">Download My App</a>

users can access and save the file.

You're only asking about the technical side of how to get it to the users. You'll need to be sure that you handle the security and licensing, too. Make sure the link is only accessible to the users who are authorized, or handle your licensing in some area that is protected.

I'm not sure what you're asking about the Web Request. What do you want to happen?

As far as downloading the WinApp. You just need to store your installer someplace on your site that the user can access. If you set up a link like

<a href="myFolder/myApp.zip" title="Right-Click and choose Save As">Download My App</a>

users can access and save the file.

You're only asking about the technical side of how to get it to the users. You'll need to be sure that you handle the security and licensing, too. Make sure the link is only accessible to the users who are authorized, or handle your licensing in some area that is protected.

If i want user just to see program online not downloaded what i can do???

Sorry, I thought you wanted to deploy it. A Windows application won't run in the browser. The potential user can't "see" it unless it is a web application or you make screenshots of it running.

Here is an example site for html5 asp controls. http://html5asp.sourceforge.net I have made a page that shows images of them running and has links to download. For a WinApp, you can make a screenshot by using Alt + PrintScreen and then post the images on your web site.

>and also if you know how to alllow the user to download it???

DownloadFile method.


                WebClient wc = new WebClient();
                string srcurl = "http://....../name.ext";
                string dest = @"c:\folder\file.ext";
                wc.DownloadFile(srcurl, dest);
            catch (Exception ex)
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