I have a problem with the following statement:
$dbres = mysql_query("SELECT UNIX_TIMESTAMP(`huur`) AS `huur`,huur1,`login`,UNIX_TIMESTAMP(`signup`) AS `signup`,`attack`,`defence`,`clicks`,`attlosses`,`attwins`,`deflosses`,`defwins`,`cash`,`type`,`clan`,'maffiamode',`avaurl` FROM `[users]` WHERE `login`='{$_GET['x']}'");
if($def = mysql_fetch_object($dbres)) {
if($def->login == $data->login){
print " <tr><td class=\"mainTxt\">You kicked yourself in the nuts... now what?.</td></tr>\n";
}else if($def->login == $admin1)
print " <tr><td class=\"mainTxt\">Do NOT attack an admin!</td></tr>\n";
else if($def->maffiamode == 1)
print " <tr><td class=\"mainTxt\">This pirate is currently under Davy Jones' protection!!</td></tr>\n";}
else {
Even when $def->maffiamode == 1
really is set to 1 in the database
it still doesn't display the message...
The first 2 statements (
if($def->login == $data->login){
}else if($def->login == $admin1)
work without a problem
need any further info?
(I attached the file so you can see for yourself)