Hi all!

I have an issue with the mod_rewrite and i hope someone here can help me out!?! :)

My webhosting company does not support rewritemap and i really need to have SEO friendly URLS. I can't pass the name of the page directly since it can contain characters like åäö :(

So this is what i need for exampel for page named: Åskön
to be

Is this even possible without rewritemap?

Thank you!!

A map is nothing more than a search replace list, so you could just use one RewriteRule for every line in the map.

That's true, but the problem is that the page is dynamic and items could be addes or removed, then that means i have to change the .htaccess file everytime some changes are made!


Correct. But it is just a text file, so writing to it would be no different then to the map file.

you'r absolutely right. Gonna give it a try. I'll get back when it is done.
Thx mate!

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