can any one tell me the procedure how to search a file from the database using jsp

Search what sort/type of file for what info?

Hello all,

I am working on a project where i save client machine path into my database.
And if end user clicks download files button, then the files from ftp server have to be download in client machine directly. My application resides in web server.
Please give me some suggestions to complete this task.

Thanks in Advance.

i am having portal with the following columns-->File Name,Owning Site,Locally Available,Category,Download_Open.
I am working on client side validation,if the file is available in my local database then it has to show in the column [Locally Available =yes] and in the column[Download/Open==open(link)]if i click on that open link it has to open that purticular file.pls send me the code pls
its very urgent
File Name=Speedboart
Owning site =Bangalore
Locally Available=yes
Category=Complete Product
like this it has to show in my portal
pls waiting for u r replay



It is very urgent and you did not even post code that you may attempted to use for it and my failed because of some issues. We do not provide ready made solutions we may advice where the is problem

ok my dear friend,
can u pls guide me how to search a ramdom image from the database

You need to come with some criteria, what you can do is search directly for image name, if no 100% much found you may want to use "like" attribute in the query. If that fails you have to decide what to do, like list content of searched directory (if images organized in different directories), search for images with similar tag (if using taging options) or similar description. So you should work on your user cases , what is application expected behavior so you can code it accordingly

All these have to be provided by you (I expect that your client or your supervisor gave you instructions) and not to be left to us to second guess your intentions

hi,thanks for u r help,sorry i didnt get u what u mean to say,my requirement is i need to search a file in the database,if that file is found it has to show locally available="yes" and has to open that file,if that file is not available in my local data base i need to send a request to webservices and need to download that file .my web portal has following columns then u can understand
File Name=Speedboart
Owning site =Bangalore
Locally Available=yes
Category=Complete Product
like this it has to show in my portal

pls help me in this regards
pls send me sample code friend
pls help

If I cannot get clear requirements from you and also your code you already tried, I see no reason to invest my time in something that somebody will present it as his own work

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