In my project I need to open file dialog so that user can select local image file on his machine.

I need to access that local file and rename it and FTP that file on server.

What is the best way to that?

I have already used FileUpload control but some thread exception was occurring I don't rember it now sorry.

Any suggestions will be welcomed.

In my project I need to open file dialog so that user can select local image file on his machine.

I need to access that local file and rename it and FTP that file on server.

What is the best way to that?

I have already used FileUpload control but some thread exception was occurring I don't rember it now sorry.

Any suggestions will be welcomed.

Try Fileuploader control, for help see the following links
Mark as solved if it helps you!!!

fileNameOnServer = Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension(FileUpLoad1.FileName) + random.Next() + Path.GetExtension(FileUpLoad1.FileName);

FileUpLoad1.SaveAs(HttpRuntime.AppDomainAppPath + "images/logos/" +fileNameOnServer);


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