i want to convert .xls file to .txt file using C#, plzz can any one help me?

>i want to convert .xls file to .txt file using C#, plzz can any one help me?

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I wannna convert .xls file to .txt file using the third tools. I was convert .pdf to .txt using iTextSharp. But, I don't know what tools that I should to use to convert .xls to .txt and how to use it.

Can't u give me a suggest which I can use to convert it and how to use the tools??

thx before...

Firstly, read .xls file using OleDB Provider or Office InterOp. Create a text file using System.IO classes and write data into it.

I'll try Office Interop.. can u help me to use word interop for excel?
I'm using Lucene.NET. The Indexer in Lucene.NET accepts only raw text data..

Take a look at this thread.

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