
Is MD5 still secure enough to use for the storing of passwords in MySQL? Or is there a better/more secure way? I did google quite a bit, but all the posts I found were old (2004-2008)

The most secure way would be to invent your own encryption method (as long as it's not as simple as +1 to each character or something stupid like that). The downside to this is that it will take a while to code.

using md5 in php is fine, its a one way hash so when you have users register you hash their password. When you log in, you hash the password that they use and compare it to what is in the database, if it matches...they log in, if it fails matching they dont log in.

Obviously you can get more complicated with this by using some sort of salt method but for the sake of simplicity thats how user logins typically work.

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