Hi Everyone,

I have made my own forums/site which is working out quite well. The only problem I'm having is when people edit there topic or if I edit the news.

The current topic or news is loaded into a textarea including all the line breaks which were instered via the nl2br() function.

When these line brakes (<br />) are loaded into the textarea i done want people to see them and so i use the

str_replace("<br />", "\n", $content);

and it does do what i want it to do but it seems to double the line breaks every time you edit some content.

Please help and thanks in advance!


What is the post stored as in the database? If it's stored as "text" and not varchar() then I believe you don't need the <br /> tags as line breaks are automatically placed which may be why your line breaks are doubling.

it's stored as longtext bud, thanks for replying =)

Nevermind mate your right, i fixed it thanks alot!

You're welcome. Please mark the thread as solved.

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