hi, am working on a project called online store using java. For the navigation menu bar i used javascript in a jsp page. The problem is am unable to see the image in navigation bar. Since i have no thorough knowledge of javascript please rectify me.Here is my code

        <td><a href="javascript:;" target="_top" onclick="MM_nbGroup('down','group1','Computers','D:/mith/project/Online_Store/Images/Buttons/Computers_RO.JPG',1)" onmouseover="MM_nbGroup('over','Computers','D:/mith/project/Online_Store/Images/Buttons/Computers_RO.JPG','',1)" onmouseout="MM_nbGroup('out')"><img src="D:/mith/project/Online_Store/Images/Buttons/Computers.JPG" alt="" name="Computers" width="206" height="30" border="0" id="Computers" onload="" /></a></td>
        <td><a href="javascript:;" target="_top" onclick="MM_nbGroup('down','group1','Clothes','D:/mith/project/Online_Store/Images/Buttons/Clothes_RO.JPG',1)" onmouseover="MM_nbGroup('over','Clothes','D:/mith/project/Online_Store/Images/Buttons/Clothes_RO.JPG','',1)" onmouseout="MM_nbGroup('out')"><img src="D:/mith/project/Online_Store/Images/Buttons/Clothes.JPG" alt="" name="Clothes" width="206" height="30" border="0" id="Clothes" onload="" /></a></td>
        <td><a href="javascript:;" target="_top" onclick="MM_nbGroup('down','group1','Mobile','D:/mith/project/Online_Store/Images/Buttons/Mobile_RO.JPG',1)" onmouseover="MM_nbGroup('over','Mobile','D:/mith/project/Online_Store/Images/Buttons/Mobile_RO.JPG','',1)" onmouseout="MM_nbGroup('out')"><img src="D:/mith/project/Online_Store/Images/Buttons/Mobile.JPG" alt="" name="Mobile" width="206" height="30" border="0" id="Mobile" onload="" /></a></td>
        <td><a href="javascript:;" target="_top" onclick="MM_nbGroup('down','group1','Aboutus','D:/mith/project/Online_Store/Images/Buttons/Aboutus_RO.JPG',1)" onmouseover="MM_nbGroup('over','Aboutus','D:/mith/project/Online_Store/Images/Buttons/Aboutus_RO.JPG','',1)" onmouseout="MM_nbGroup('out')"><img src="D:/mith/project/Online_Store/Images/Buttons/Aboutus.JPG" alt="" name="Aboutus" width="206" height="30" border="0" id="Aboutus" onload="" /></a></td>
        <td><a href="javascript:;" target="_top" onclick="MM_nbGroup('down','group1','Contactus','D:/mith/project/Online_Store/Images/Buttons/Contactus_RO.JPG',1)" onmouseover="MM_nbGroup('over','Contactus','D:/mith/project/Online_Store/Images/Buttons/Contactus_RO.JPG','',1)" onmouseout="MM_nbGroup('out')"><img src="D:/mith/project/Online_Store/Images/Buttons/Contactus.JPG" alt="" name="Contactus" width="206" height="30" border="0" id="Contactus" onload="" /></a></td>

I have used netbeans for the same.
Thanks in advance :)

are you able to make a picture of what you want it to look like and how it currently looks. In my opinion that always helps clarify things

Well friend i didnt get you what you actually trying to say but there is no problem with the pictures i want to put on the navigation bar and let me know whether there is something wrong with my code coz am using netbeans for this....

Well friend i didnt get you what you actually trying to say but there is no problem with the pictures i want to put on the navigation bar and let me know whether there is something wrong with my code coz am using netbeans for this....

I was saying make a picture of what you want it to look like and how it currently looks like. Draw it out for us. I can only speak for myself, Im not a mind reader a picture will help clarify things.

Draw it or do it in indesign or something. Make a sketch that you would hand of to a programmer. This way people know what it looks likes, you know what it looks like and how it should look like. You are the designer/programmer and involved in it. We are all foreigners to your file and design.

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