
i want to develop a GUI for the Grid in my company..
so pls someone provide me with a code for job submission in grid..
job submission module includes submission of a job, status of job, cancelling and retrieving output of a job..

if not a complete code, atleas some part for reference..

thanks in advance..


i want to develop a GUI for the Grid in my company..
so pls someone provide me with a code for job submission in grid..
job submission module includes submission of a job, status of job, cancelling and retrieving output of a job..

if not a complete code, atleas some part for reference..

thanks in advance..

If we provide with all that, are you going to tell your boss that we did it and not you and are you going to give us your salary?

excuse me..i just asd the code for a reference and not the complete
and the exact one.. i do have an idea of how to develop. just for the sake of
starting trouble i referred to your site.
thanks for your response
and one more thing..am not paid for the project..

What am I supposed to tell you? That you provided provided problem description zero to none? That you didn't even try to google for some ideas? Why should I or anyone here try to put any time into it since you are unwilling?

On bonus side, the whole thing is so terribly important to you, that it took you 2 days to actually reply...

Hi sindhuravindram....
have you got some idea of developing the same... I am also in search of the same kind of Idea.
Do reply if you have some.



i want to develop a GUI for the Grid in my company..
so pls someone provide me with a code for job submission in grid..
job submission module includes submission of a job, status of job, cancelling and retrieving output of a job..

if not a complete code, atleas some part for reference..

thanks in advance..

Hi sindhuravindram....
have you got some idea of developing the same... I am also in search of the same kind of Idea.
Do reply if you have some.


He has idea, but no intention of trying to solve it on his own. If you ready to start cracking this problem instead of waiting for someone else to solve for you, I do recommend you create new thread and post what you have there

i developed the GUI for the grid in my company.but i have problem in executing the linux coommands thru php scripts.my platform is linux.i use php5,mysql n apache 2.0.
pls help me how to run the linux commands thru php code.
eg: <?php
$display = exec('ls');
echo "$display";
it doesn give nay output..
pls help..thanks..

echo shell_exec('whoami');
this gives the output as apache..

echo shell_exec('whoami');
this gives the output as apache..

That is PHP, not JSP.

yess..i need to run it in php..pls do help me..

yess..i need to run it in php..pls do help me..

Then you should have posted your question at the PHP forum. I have already asked for a moderator to move your thread.

Hi sindhuravindran can you provide me the link of the website that you have developed, I just want to check the similarity between your and my requirement.


i developed the GUI for the grid in my company.but i have problem in executing the linux coommands thru php scripts.my platform is linux.i use php5,mysql n apache 2.0.
pls help me how to run the linux commands thru php code.
eg: <?php
$display = exec('ls');
echo "$display";
it doesn give nay output..
pls help..thanks..

could not understand thank u for what?

oh..thank u..

u said i'll have to post it in php forum..thot u yourself have redirected it and so thanked u..

Please describe what you want to do and where you hit a wall!

actualy there are certain linux commands that are executed to perform some operations in grid like details abt storage elements etc.bt nw they use terminal to do al tat.i jus wanna do it with the help of some user interface.

so, i dunno how to integrate those commands with php..i tested with the basic one
but it dint work..

eg: lcg-infosites --vo daegrid ce

this is the command to get details on computing elements.

hw can i do with php..pls help..

thank you.

the person who told you for transfer of post was different, and I am different one , I am also engaged to do the same kind of GUI.

Can you please share how you did this.

u said i'll have to post it in php forum..thot u yourself have redirected it and so thanked u..

i have developed using php..but dint test yet..

testing is not a problem, just the way of implementation is more important.

Please share if you can.

i have developed using php..but dint test yet..

first, Manual should be the first place to poke. Then google is your best friend.
BTTT, Here are examples for Manual:

(PHP 4, PHP 5)
system — Execute an external program and display the output


echo '<pre>';

// Outputs all the result of shellcommand "ls", and returns
// the last output line into $last_line. Stores the return value
// of the shell command in $retval.
$last_line = system('ls', $retval);

// Printing additional info
echo '
<hr />Last line of the output: ' . $last_line . '
<hr />Return value: ' . $retval;


(PHP 4, PHP 5)
exec — Execute an external program


// outputs the username that owns the running php/httpd process
// (on a system with the "whoami" executable in the path)
echo exec('whoami');

is this what you want? If no elaborate

thanks for your response..is this the way we execute al linux commands in php or it differs..?
eg: lcg-infosites --vo daegrid ce

this is the command to get details on computing elements.

how can i give this in php..?

check example under System(). just replace ls and its args with your command. which level of programming are you in?

i dont understand wat u ask for..

now am able to run some linux commands in php..but now what i want is, i have to test some grid commands in php.

eg: lcg-infosites --vo daegrid ce

this is the command tat gives the details about the computing elements.
pls help how could i do this..

lcg-infosites --vo daegrid ce

when this command run in terminal it gives output.only in the grid enabled system it works.i want to know the syntax in which these sort of commands can be executed..pls help me..

$com = shell_exec('lcg-infosites --vo daegrid ce', $retval);
echo "$retval";

here lcg-infosites is the command and --vo daegrid ce are the arguments..
i get the value for retval as 127..
pls help me how to execute..

I can't help because I don't know what you want to do and what is not working!

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