i have followed all the instructions to download and install vwd2010 with sql server2008,
but to no success. please let someone help me here please. thanks!

what is the problem ?

after downloading the web installer and running it, i got the following error:
"could not load file or assembly 'microsoft.web.deployment version, culture neutral publickey token 31bf3856ad364e35'or one of its dependencies.
the system cannot find the file specified"

You need to Download an offline Installer. It is good because it is an Iso , so you will have everything that you need. But if you download and install from the Internet , you might lose connection and some files that are needed to install Vs might not be downloaded as in your case.


Look for ISO

brother i tried the link it was not responding.what else can i do please

i can access it, use another computer and see if you can see it.

Can you try reinstalling and reparing.

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