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Just a quickie - is there a freely available WYSIWYG editor I can use on my site?

I want it to be written entirely in PHP - no other languages e.g. JavaScript. Is it technically possible to avoid JavaScript? All of the editors I have seen use JS in one form or another.

I would be grateful if you can link me to such editors.

PS I am writing a CMS and will have a bunch of text files I would like to edit in a WYSIWYG editor. Doesn't have to be complex, only the basic functions, and preferable under MIT/WTF license, although GPL will do too.

If you can find something, it's going to be really basic and probably old because I'm guessing that any that are currently being maintained probably have some javascript. Since everyone uses editors which include some javascript, why are you trying to avoid it?

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Without JS, you can probably forget a WYSIWYG. You could find a Java editor maybe, but I don't know how you'd get the data in or out of it.

As php isn't interactive, you're going to be stuck with plain looking text. You can add bbcode etc, but it won't be WYSIWYG. JS interactively inserts spans with styling to create that 'rich text' look

There are hundreds of editors out there and each one uses JS as far as I know.

Member Avatar for Lioshenka

As php isn't interactive, you're going to be stuck with plain looking text. You can add bbcode etc, but it won't be WYSIWYG. JS interactively inserts spans with styling to create that 'rich text' look

Sorry, I am being stupid. Didn't realise that there is no way to display formatting in a textbox using PHP, was thinking about it as a HTML page. Oops!

Will have to use JS then :) Thanks

Member Avatar for Lioshenka


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