Am trying to get a php script working. I have done a few reviews and corrected a few errors but it doesnt seem to work properly still. Its a quote script and instead of picking up a random quote its picking up all of them. I have tried amending the actually array parts of the code and it seems to be nothing to do with those. its more likely to be opening and closing quotes. Php file is here
require_once 'includes/facebook.php';
// Array Structure: "Quotes",
$allqts = array("quotes start and finish)
//Select a Random one.
$ranNum = rand(0, count($quotes)-1);
then on the actual quotes I have a list of all the quotes starting with the //Array and anding with the //select a random one line command and all the quotes inbetween.
So I definitely think there is an error as in I should have something at the front and the end of this section of the php. I tried putting <? ?> in at the ends but that just makes everything go blank.
thanks for any assistance