Is anybody having idea about bar chart in php.
I need to import the datas from excel sheet into php.
I have created static bar chart.
but i have to create dynamic bar chart .
The datas should be retrieved from mysql or from excel sheet. If anybody knows kindly tell me the solution.

Hi there, I'd use FusionCharts.

They have great documentation

Your code would be something like this:

      //We've included ../Includes/FusionCharts.php, which contains functions
      //to help us easily embed the charts.
        <TITLE> FusionCharts - Array Example using Single Series Column 3D Chart</TITLE>
        <SCRIPT LANGUAGE="Javascript" SRC="../../FusionCharts/FusionCharts.js"></SCRIPT>

         //In this example, we plot a single series chart from data contained
   //in an array. The array will have two columns - first one for data label
   //and the next one for data values.
   //Let's store the sales data for 6 products in our array). We also store
   //the name of products. 
         //Store Name of Products
         $arrData[0][1] = "Product A";
         $arrData[1][1] = "Product B";
         $arrData[2][1] = "Product C";
         $arrData[3][1] = "Product D";
         $arrData[4][1] = "Product E";
         $arrData[5][1] = "Product F";
         //Store sales data
         $arrData[0][2] = 567500;
         $arrData[1][2] = 815300;
         $arrData[2][2] = 556800;
         $arrData[3][2] = 734500;
         $arrData[4][2] = 676800;
         $arrData[5][2] = 648500;
         //Now, we need to convert this data into XML. We convert using string concatenation.
         //Initialize <chart> element
         $strXML = "<chart caption='Sales by Product' numberPrefix='$' formatNumberScale='0'>";
         //Convert data to XML and append
         foreach ($arrData as $arSubData)
         $strXML .= "<set label='" . $arSubData[1] . "' value='" . $arSubData[2] . "' />";
         //Close <chart> element
         $strXML .= "</chart>";
         //Create the chart - Column 3D Chart with data contained in strXML
         echo renderChart("../../FusionCharts/Column3D.swf", "", $strXML, "productSales", 600, 300, false, true);

Thanks buddy but i need to import data from excel sheet.. Is there any solution for this.

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