I am writing a code to do a google search. i am actually appending the string to the end of the google search string
<form name="f" action="http://www.google.lk/search?" target="name3">
<input name="name1" type="hidden" value="">
<iframe name="name2" width="100" height="300" src="somePage.html" target="name3"></iframe>
<iframe name="name3" width="100" height="300"></iframe>
This code works, but it displays 10 search results, what i want to do is to display only 5 search results. So the google search string to do that is;
So what i have to do is, to append the search string which is "THESEARCHSTRING" in between http://www.google.lk/search? and &num=5&
How do i code this ?
help appreciated ?