i need help from you ^^ i don't now how to add java script into this programmed. the result should be come out with "you are interested in: (either one or all check box they click)". i hope you guys can help me on this.
Thank you ^^
<style type="text/css">
#apDiv1 {
left: 412px;
top: 38px;
<title>safarina JavaScript</title>
<body align="center">
<div id="apDiv1">
<script type="text/javascript">
function MM_validateForm() {
if (document.getElementById){
var i,p,q,nm,test,num,min,max,errors='',args=MM_validateForm.arguments;
for (i=0; i<(args.length-2); i+=3) { test=args[i+2]; val=document.getElementById(args[i]);
if (val) { nm=val.name; if ((val=val.value)!="") {
if (test.indexOf('isEmail')!=-1) { p=val.indexOf('@');
if (p<1 || p==(val.length-1)) errors+='- '+nm+' must contain an e-mail address.\n';
} else if (test!='R') { num = parseFloat(val);
if (isNaN(val)) errors+='- '+nm+' must contain a number.\n';
if (test.indexOf('inRange') != -1) { p=test.indexOf(':');
min=test.substring(8,p); max=test.substring(p+1);
if (num<min || max<num) errors+='- '+nm+' must contain a number between '+min+' and '+max+'.\n';
} } } else if (test.charAt(0) == 'R') errors += '- '+nm+' is required.\n'; }
} if (errors) alert('The following error(s) occurred:\n'+errors);
document.MM_returnValue = (errors == '');
} }
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#apDiv1 {
left: 348px;
top: 37px;
visibility: visible;
<fieldset style="border-color:#999999">
<form name="checkbox" method="get" action="" onSubmit="return comparision()" enctype = text/plain>
<table width="452" border="0" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0">
<td width="117" scope="col"><div align="left">Name:</div></td>
<th width="335" scope="col"><label> </label>
<div align="left">
<input name="name" type="text" id="name" onBlur="MM_validateForm('name','','R');return document.MM_returnValue" />
<td scope="row"><div align="left">Email Address:</div></td>
<input name="email" type="text" id="email" onBlur="MM_validateForm('email','','RisEmail');return document.MM_returnValue" />
<input name="Validate" type="submit" id="Validate" onClick="MM_validateForm('name','','R','email','','RisEmail');return document.MM_returnValue" value="Validate" />
<br />
How can we help you?<br />
<table width="452">
<td width="43" height="28"><label>
<input name="checkbox0" type="checkbox" />
<td width="397" scope="col">I'm interested in your programmes offered.</td>
<td width="43" height="28"><label>
<input name="checkbox1" type="checkbox" />
<td width="397" scope="col">I'm interested in short courses.</td>
<td width="43" height="28"><label>
<input name="checkbox2" type="checkbox"/>
<td width="397" scope="col">I'm interested in visiting your campus.</td>
<input name="Reset" type="reset" tabindex="8">
<input name="Submit" type="submit" id="Submit" value="Process"/>