Hi there guys!

I've been stuck with this problem for quite a while now.
I wanted to create a jsp which would upload files to sql database.
I've used this code for my upload_page.jsp:

    Document   : upload_page
    Created on : Mar 6, 2011, 11:01:40 PM
    Author     : Administrator

<!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01 Transitional//EN"

<%@ page import="java.io.*,java.sql.*,java.util.*,java.text.*,java.text.SimpleDateFormat, com.dole.cdms.util.ConnectionFactory;" %>

                int val = 0;
                String contentType = request.getContentType();
                System.out.println("content type is:" + contentType);

                if ((contentType != null) && (contentType.indexOf("multipart/form-data") >= 0)) {
                    DataInputStream in = new DataInputStream(request.getInputStream());
                    int formDataLength = request.getContentLength();
                    byte dataBytes[] = new byte[formDataLength];
                    int byteRead = 0;
                    int totalBytesRead = 0;

                    System.out.println("length of file is:" + formDataLength);

                    while (totalBytesRead < formDataLength) {
                        byteRead = in.read(dataBytes, totalBytesRead, formDataLength);
                        totalBytesRead += byteRead;
                    String file = new String(dataBytes);
                    String saveFile = file.substring(file.indexOf("filename=\"") + 10);
                    saveFile = saveFile.substring(0, saveFile.indexOf("\n"));
                    saveFile = saveFile.substring(saveFile.lastIndexOf("\\") + 1, saveFile.indexOf("\""));


                    int lastIndex = contentType.lastIndexOf("=");
                    String boundary = contentType.substring(lastIndex + 1, contentType.length());
                    int pos;
                    pos = file.indexOf("filename=\"");

                    pos = file.indexOf("\n", pos) + 1;

                    pos = file.indexOf("\n", pos) + 1;

                    pos = file.indexOf("\n", pos) + 1;

                    int boundaryLocation = file.indexOf(boundary, pos) - 4;
                    int startPos = ((file.substring(0, pos)).getBytes()).length;
                    int endPos = ((file.substring(0, boundaryLocation)).getBytes()).length;

                    FileOutputStream fileOut = new FileOutputStream(saveFile);

                    fileOut.write(dataBytes, startPos, (endPos - startPos));

                    out.println("File saved as " + saveFile);

                    //                   String saveFile = file.substring(file.indexOf("filename=\"") + 10);
                    //                 System.out.println("saveFile=" + saveFile);
                    //               saveFile = saveFile.substring(saveFile.lastIndexOf("\\") + 1 , saveFile.indexOf("\""));
                    //             System.out.println("saveFile" + saveFile);
                    //           saveFile = file.substring(file.indexOf("filename=\"") + 10);
                    //         saveFile = saveFile.substring(0, saveFile.indexOf("\n"));
                    //       saveFile = saveFile.substring(saveFile.lastIndexOf("\\") + 1, saveFile.indexOf("\""));
                    //     int lastIndex = contentType.lastIndexOf("=");
                    //   String boundary = contentType.substring(lastIndex + 1, contentType.length());
                    // int pos;

                    //pos = file.indexOf("filename=\"");
                    //pos = file.indexOf("\n", pos) + 1;
//                    pos = file.indexOf("\n", pos) + 1;
                    //                  pos = file.indexOf("\n", pos) + 1;
                    //                int boundaryLocation = file.indexOf(boundary, pos) - 4;
                    //              int startPos = ((file.substring(0, pos)).getBytes()).length;
                    //            int endPos = ((file.substring(0, boundaryLocation)).getBytes()).length;

//                    FileOutputStream fileOut = new FileOutputStream(saveFile);
                    //                  fileOut.write(dataBytes, startPos, (endPos - startPos));

                        Connection con = null;
                        Statement statement = null;
                        //ResultSet rs=null;
                        String line = null;
                        String value = null;

                        try {
                            con = ConnectionFactory.getConnection();
                            statement = con.createStatement();
                            StringBuilder contents = new StringBuilder();
                            BufferedReader input = new BufferedReader(new FileReader(saveFile));
                            while ((line = input.readLine()) != null) {
                            value = contents.toString();
                            System.out.println("Value:" + value);
                            //   java.util.Date now = new java.util.Date();
                            //  String DATE_FORMAT = "yyyy-MM-dd hh:mm:ss";
                            //   SimpleDateFormat sdf = new SimpleDateFormat(DATE_FORMAT);
                            // String strDateNew = sdf.format(now);

                            int i = statement.executeUpdate("INSERT INTO tblCNRDoc (cnrNo,cnrDocName,cnrDoc) VALUES('AGB-11-00003','"+ saveFile+"','" + value + "')");
//            String queryString = "INSERT INTO file_tbl set file_data='" + value + "',file_date='" + strDateNew + "'";


                            //pstatement = con.prepareStatement(queryString);

                            //     val = pstatement.executeUpdate();

                            if (val > 0) {
    <b>File <% out.println(saveFile);%> has been uploaded and inserted into Database.</b>

                    } catch (Exception e) {

                        System.out.println("error:" + e);

And this is by the way my initial jsp page:

<%@ page language="java" %>
    <HEAD><TITLE>Display file upload form to the user</TITLE></HEAD>

    <BODY> <FORM ENCTYPE="multipart/form-data" ACTION=
                 "upload_page.jsp" METHOD=POST>
                <table border="0" bgcolor=#ccFDDEE>
                        <td colspan="2" align="center"><B>UPLOAD THE FILE</B></td>
                            <td colspan="2" align="center">&nbsp;</td>
                            <td><b>Choose the file To Upload:</b></td>
                            <td><INPUT NAME="file" TYPE="file"></td>
                            <td colspan="2" align="center">&nbsp;</td>
                            <td colspan="2" align="center"><INPUT TYPE="submit" VALUE="Send File" ></td>

Insert is successful for 1KB files only.. :(
I'm wondering why it won't go for other files.. :(

I'm getting this error message on my console:
error:java.sql.SQLException: Unexpected parameter marker at position 364.

Would really appreciate your help guys.. :)
Thanks much!

Don't do this with a JSP, do not use scriptlets, at all, in a JSP when it can be avoided, which it almost always can be, use a Servlet. You can use a JSP to create the form, but the post request should be going to a servlet (the servlet can always forward to a JSP to create some response or other, but the actual upload should be done by a Servlet). Once you have refactored your code to that, and tested it, and it still doesn't work, then post that here. I, for one, am not even going to attempt to read all of those scriptlets. That is one reason to not use scriptlets in JSP, they do not scale easily and they are a maintenance nightmare!

Hi masijade! Sorry haven't replied to this post. By the way, im using servlets already. ^_^ also im using MVC framework. ^_^.


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