If you set $dowhat to "Clean", I get this error message : Warning: setcookie() expects parameter 1 to be string, array given in C:\wamp\www\....
which is line 18.
However, if I remove unserialize() function from same line, I get Warning: Cookie names cannot contain any of the following '=,; \t\r\n\013\014' in C:\wamp\www\...
I just want to remove the cookie, that's all.
Thanks in advance
$value = $_POST["value"];
$dowhat = $_POST["dowhat"];
if($dowhat == "Add"){
$_SESSION["SITE"]["Favorite"][$value] = true;
setcookie("MyFavoriteCookie", serialize($_SESSION["SITE"]["Favorite"]), time() + 3600);
} else if($dowhat == "Remove"){
setcookie("MyFavoriteCookie", serialize($_SESSION["SITE"]["Favorite"]), time() + 3600);
} else if($dowhat == "List"){
echo "<pre>";
} else if($dowhat == "Clean"){
setcookie(unserialize($_COOKIE["MyFavoriteCookie"]), "", time() - 3600);