Hi everyone! I'm using the editor CKEditor http://ckeditor.com/ for my forum that I developed.
When I create a new topic in my forum is so good, now when I see the issue that the images you upload do not see and I look at Funt code looks like this:

<img alt="\" src=\"http://tecnolatino.com/wp-content/uploads/2010/08/comprar-una-c%C3%A1mara-digital.jpg\" style=\"width: 547px; height: 320px;\" />

When I see the issue is so \ "\".
If anyone can help I thank you!

I believe that you are in Visual mode. In the upper left corner of the CKEditor is a source button. Click it and then paste code you are writing into the editor. Now, click the button one more time and you will see the visual presentation, not the code.
Hope this helps you.

The slashes are generated when you submit your editor content with ajax

before saving to your database make sure to use a function like (php stripslashes)

Thank you all!
And could solve the problem!

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