Hi guys,

I am trying to display validation error messages when form validation fails. Currently it does display the error messages but then disappears straight away. How can I stop the page from refreshing when validation fails?

I have return false in my code when validation fails but still having same problem.

Currently I have only done the validation for the full name only. The error msg is showed in:

		      <td id='full_name_err_msg'>

So if anyone can help me out, I would appreciate it.

Thank you
In my js file:

var $j = jQuery.noConflict();
		validation = function(){
			var full_name = $j('#fullname');
			var full_name_err_msg = $j('#full_name_err_msg');
			//alert('full_name:	'+full_name.val()); // works
			is_field_empty(full_name, full_name_err_msg);
		function is_field_empty(elem, elem_err_msg){
			//alert('inside is_field_empty function'); // works
				elem_err_msg.css('border', 'red solid 1px');
				elem_err_msg.html('This field cannot be empty');
				return false;
			return true

In my php file:

function jquery_validation(){
	   //echo 'Inside jquery_validation'; //works
	   //echo plugins_url('/js/validation2.js', __FILE__); // correct 

		?><script type="text/javascript" src="<?=plugins_url();?>/Sks_email_form_plugin/js/validation2.js"></script>
		<script type="text/javascript">
		  var $j = jQuery.noConflict();

	function sks_email_form(){
	  echo "<form name='sks_email_form' id='sks_email_form' method='post' action=''>
		  <table class='email_table'>
			Full name:
			<input type='text' name='fullname' id='fullname'/>
		      <td id='full_name_err_msg'>
			<input type='text' name='email' id='email'/>
			<textarea name='msg' id='msg' cols='35' rows='6'></textarea>
			<input type='submit' name='submit' id= 'submit' value='Submit'/>
			<input type='reset' name='reset' value='Reset'/>


A pretty standard validation pattern is as follows:

$j = jQuery.noConflict();
  function validation(){
    var rtnVal = true;//assume true until any field validator indicates false.

    // fullname validation
    rtnVal = rtnVal && is_field_empty($j('#fullname'), $j('#full_name_err_msg'));

    // other validations here
    //rtnVal = rtnVal && .........

    return rtnVal;
  function is_field_empty(elem, elem_err_msg){
      elem_err_msg.css('border', 'red solid 1px').html('This field cannot be empty');
      return false;
    return true;

<?php if(!is_admin()){ ?>
<?php } ?>

1. Everything necessary is established in the same scope - $(document).ready(.....) - with no need for globals.
2. is_field_empty returns true/false to validation , which must itself return true/false to determine whether the form is submitted or not.


Thank you very much Airshow. It works now. :)


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