This is probably a stupid question, but I don’t know this stuff and need some help. I have a form with 2 text box, and I want to pass the user-entered contents of the 1st text box to a php variable ($size)(without posting the page) on onBlur of 1st textbox. how do i do this???

You will need to have an ajax call to your current page on the blur event of your text box.

This is probably a stupid question, but I don’t know this stuff and need some help. I have a form with 2 text box, and I want to pass the user-entered contents of the 1st text box to a php variable ($size)(without posting the page) on onBlur of 1st textbox. how do i do this???

my code is

 function MonthDays($someMonth, $someYear)


      return date("t", strtotime($someYear . "-" . $someMonth . "-01"));

//for example	  

$someMonth=2;	// i want   $someMonth=monthtxt.value
$someYear=2011; // i want $someYear=yeartxt.value
$d=MonthDays($someMonth, $someYear);	
echo $d;  


<form name="tt">
month<input type="text" class="contact_input" name="monthtxt"   >
year<input type="text" class="contact_input" name="yeartxt" >
Total days<input type="text" class="contact_input" name="yeartxt" id="" value="<?php echo $d ; ?>" >

Have some patience and dont repeat thread... :)

Threads merged.

u can even use javascript to solve this stuff.....try it ...i will return after 2 days n give u the code.....till then hope either other solve ur prblm or u have solved it urself.....
PS :-i m at present busy wid my project stuff....

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