I have a page and it's on 000webhost.com. But they don't allowed to add upload script. So, I thought, is it possible to make a php script that will upload file to one other server (this other server doesn't have installed php). Is this possible? If so, how? Thanks a lot!

Member Avatar for diafol

You site won't be able to make use of it anyway if it hasn't got php installed, only reference it like href or src.

What are you trying to accomplish?

You could use an iframe do display updated data I suppose. That in itself could be modified with js. So, you should be able to use js and iframes to modify the view of your site.

You may be able to use cross-domain ajax: http://usejquery.com/posts/9/the-jquery-cross-domain-ajax-guide

However, I haven't tried this flavour of it. Nor do I know if it will work on a site without php installed. I can't see why not. Try it?

I have two sites. Trough the php file of the first site I want to upload a file to a second site. Is this possible?

Member Avatar for diafol

No, I wouldn't have thought so. Otherwise you could post all sorts of nasties to everybody else's site.

Do you have ftp access to the html site? If so, you may be able to use php's ftp functions to upload to it.

Yes, I have it. Thanks for informations. I'll try with php's ftp. Thanks a lot!

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