I am reading data from a mysql db to my webpage. I wish to make a google pi-chart but have no idea how to pass the data from php (html?) to javascript(?) to populate the graph. I'm reading the rows into the html page ok, they are dispaying in a table. Any help will be much appreciated. Thanks.
do {
if($row_getaccounts['category'] != 'transfer') {
if($row_getaccounts['category'] != 'balance' ){
if($row_getaccounts['amount'] > 0){?>
echo $row_getaccounts['category'];
<td align="right">
$english_format_number = number_format($row_getaccounts['amount'], 2, '.', '');echo $english_format_number;
<?php }
} while ($row_getaccounts = mysql_fetch_assoc($getaccounts)); ?>
$query_getaccounts = "SELECT * FROM `$tempcat`ORDER BY `category`ASC";
$getaccounts = mysql_query($query_getaccounts, $dmsdb) or die(mysql_error());
$row_getaccounts = mysql_fetch_assoc($getaccounts);
$totalRows_getaccounts = mysql_num_rows($getaccounts);
do {
if($row_getaccounts['amount'] < 0){
$graphstring = $graphstring.$row_getaccounts['category']."|";
while ($row_getaccounts = mysql_fetch_assoc($getaccounts));
<p align="center"><img src="http://chart.apis.google.com/chart?chs=320x225&cht=p&chd=s:k5xl<?php echo $graphstring; ?>&chma=10,10,10,10&chtt=categories" width="320" height="225" alt="categories" /></p>