i am reading file and getting content , on localhost it is working and displaying result.

but after uploading on server , not displaying or echo relevant content of file?

any help appre


$tcnt = 0;
$file = fopen("/home/uploads/date/".$list."_".$Type.".txt", "r") or exit("Unable to open file!");
				$file_rl = $file;
			while(!feof($file)) {
					if($line!='') {
								foreach($lineq as $fields){
							         //echo $fields.",  ";
								echo "<pre>";

                                                           // insertion code goes here


/home/uploads/date/ exist on server?

/home/uploads/date/ exist on server?

fopen("/home/users/web/b1765/moo.somthing/ethom/uploads/data/".$listPage."_".$propType.".txt", "r") or exit("Unable to open file!");

acctu i tested this there is no problem here and getting file resource id.

Maybe, file permission. Set the permission for that file '755'.
Hope this help.

$tcnt = 0;
$file = fopen("/home/uploads/date/".$list."_".$Type.".txt", "r") or exit("Unable to open file!");
$file_rl = $file;
while(!feof($file)) {
$lineq = fgetcsv($file,, "|"); 
if($tcnt==0){ $head=$lineq;
foreach($lineq as $fields){ //echo $fields.",  ";
echo "<pre>";
else{ // insertion code goes here

ignore this, was experimentig with the code and clicked post

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