I am very new to using script . i was hoping someone could help me .
I want to write a client side web page that will start excel on client computer and upon a button click javascript will open the excel file from c drive and display output .
I have been able to start excle using "how to automate excel from a client side javascript"
I have been searching google / javascript tutorial sites and found another script(vbscript) on different forum.I want to delete all rows except for the total amount.
I want to be able to use two/three more words like 'total cost' 'gross receipt' in the script.can someone please help me how to do it using javascript
Set appExcel = CreateObject(“Excel.Application”)
Set objWorkBook = appExcel.Workbooks.Open (“C:\Users\Desktop\Book1.xls”) ‘opens the sheet
Set objSheet = objWorkBook.Sheets(“Sheet1?) ‘ To select particular sheet
Set A = objSheet.UsedRange.Find (total amount) ‘ data to find
For each A in objSheet.UsedRange ‘ Loop through the used range
If A = total amount then ‘ compare with the expected data
c.Interior.ColorIndex = 10 ‘ make the gary color if it finds the data
End If
Set A = objSheet.UsedRange.FindNext(A) ‘ next search
set appExcel=nothing
End Function