I am looking for a very simple calander function that just reads info from mysql or txt file what ever is handier

Can anyone recommend a setup?

would most like if it was just txt pad that it read from

very simple calander function for what? Why it read db and *.txt files.
Please note that PHP has very very excellent date time functions. You may easily write a calendar using these in a couple of days ..

can you give me an example of one of the functions?

u dont need to read from text file but u can easily create an calendar with the help of php functions. here is the source code u can see the demo online at forum.pctechindia.com/calendar.php


//  Author      :- Pooran
//  Specs       :- Calender to be used for other projects.
//  Start date  :- Wednesday, December 21, 2005
//  End date    :- Thrusday, December 22, 2005
//  Status      :- PHP DONE
// *******************************************************

$days_array = array("M", "T", "W", "T", "F", "S", "S");

function month_archive_dir_name($month_text){

switch ($month_text) {

case "January"      : $dir_month = "jan";   break;
case "Feburary"     : $dir_month = "feb";   break;
case "March"        : $dir_month = "march"; break;
case "April"        : $dir_month = "april"; break;
case "May"          : $dir_month = "may";   break;
case "June"         : $dir_month = "june";  break;
case "July"         : $dir_month = "july";  break;
case "August"       : $dir_month = "aug";   break;
case "September"    : $dir_month = "sep";   break;
case "October"      : $dir_month = "oct";   break;
case "November"     : $dir_month = "nov";   break;
case "December"     : $dir_month = "dec";   break;




<title> Calendar
<LINK href="/css/font.css" type=text/css rel=STYLESHEET>

<style type="text/css">
select {width:60px;font:12 arial; border:0}
optgroup.1 {background:#CCFFFF;color:#CCFFFF; border:0}
optgroup.2 {background:darkred;color:yellow;}
optgroup.3 {background:steelblue;color:yellow;}
option.1 {background:green;color:white;}
option.2 {background:red;color:white;}
option.3 {background:navy;color:white;}


function  call_to_phunk(yr, mon){




<body topmargin='0' leftmargin='0'>

<form name="form1" >
<table bgcolor="#CCCCFF" border="1" align="center">


if(!$month)     $month  = date("m");
if(!$year)      $year   = date("Y")+1;

$day    = date("d");
$num    = cal_days_in_month(CAL_GREGORIAN, $month, $year);

$prev   = $month - 1;
$next   = $month + 1;
$day_1  = $day;

$month_text = $month_array[$month];

$date_difference = date("Y") - 2002 +1;

$dir_year = "y2k".substr($year, 3,strlen($year));

//$dir_month = month_archive_dir_name($month_text);

$cnt = 2;

$date_list_box .= "<select class=\"optgroup\" name=\"year\" onChange=\"call_to_phunk(form1.year.value, '".$month."')\">";
for($i=0; $i<= $date_difference; $i++){

if(date("Y", mktime(0, 0, 0, 0, 0, date("Y")+$cnt)) == $year)
$sel_year = "selected";
$sel_year = "";
$date_list_box .= " <option $sel_year value=\"".date("Y", mktime(0, 0, 0, 0, 0, date("Y")+$cnt))."\">".
date("Y", mktime(0, 0, 0, 0, 0, date("Y")+$cnt)).

$date_list_box .= "</select>";

$start_day = date('w', mktime(0, 0, 0, $month, 1, $year));


echo "<tr>";

if(trim(strtolower($month_array[$month])) != "january") $prev_link = "«";
else                                                    $prev_link = "&nbsp;";

if(trim(strtolower($month_array[$month])) != "december") $nxt_link = "»";
else                                                     $nxt_link = "&nbsp;";

if($prev=="0" )
echo "<td> <a href=\"calendar.php?month=$prev&year=$year\" class=\"headlinelink\"> $prev_link </a></td>";

echo "<td class=\"normaltxt\" align=\"center\" colspan=\"5\">".$month_array_name[$month-1]." &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; $date_list_box</td>";

if($next=="13" && $year==date("Y"))
echo "<td> <a href=\"calendar.php?month=$next&year=$year\" class=\"headlinelink\"> $nxt_link </a> </td>";
echo "</tr>";

echo "<tr>";
for($i=0; $i<7; $i++){

echo "<td $color align=\"center\">&nbsp;&nbsp;<a href=\"\" class=\"headlinelink\">$days_array[$i]</a>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;</td>";
echo "</tr>";

echo "<tr valign='top'>";

$cnt =1;

if($day < 10) $day = substr($day, 1,1);

$day = $start_day-1;

for($i=1; $i<=$num+$day; $i++){

if($day != $cnt && !$flag){

for($n=0; $n < $day; $n++){
echo "<td>&nbsp;</td>";


if($cnt == $day_1) $color = "bgcolor=#FFFFF";
else                        $color = "";

$lnk = "<a href=\"javascript:setdate('$cnt-$month-$year')\" class=\"headlinelink\">$cnt</a>";
if($month > date("m")) {

$lnk = "$cnt";
elseif($month == date("m")){

//echo "<LI> $file_path";

if($cnt <= date("d"))
//$lnk = "<a href=\"checkforfile.php?file_path=$file_path&day=$cnt&month=$month&year=$year\" class=\"headlinelink\">$cnt</a>";
$lnk = "<a href=\"javascript:setdate('$cnt,$month,$year')\" class=\"headlinelink\">$cnt</a>";
$lnk = $cnt;
if($i % 7 == 0)
$lnk = "$cnt";
//              $lnk = "<a href=\"checkforfile.php?file_path=$file_path&day=$cnt&month=$month&year=$year\" class=\"headlinelink\">$cnt </a>";
$lnk = "<a href=\"javascript:setdate('$cnt-$month-$year')\" class=\"headlinelink\">$cnt</a>";
//$lnk = "<a href=\"$file_path\" class=\"headlinelink\">$cnt</a>";

if($i % 7 == 0) echo "<td class=\"headlinelink\" valign='center'> $lnk &nbsp;</td></tr><tr valign='top'>";
echo "<td $color class=\"headlinelink\"  >&nbsp; $lnk &nbsp;</td>";


echo "</tr>";


<script language='javascript'>

function setdate(dt)

window.opener.document.story.sdate.value = dt;

<script language='javascript'>

function setdate(dt)

window.opener.document.story.pdate.value = dt;
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