Hello friends,

Well i just realized onmouseover on select options not working in IE/Chrome/safari.
i think bec. IE/chorme doesnot support onmouseover.

Can any one tell me the alternative of onmouseover?


Member Avatar for iamthwee

I think using .css is the way to go here.

Is it a text link or image link you are using?

onmouseover works on all browsers. Where you need on mouse over? please post your code..

<option onmouseover="showtrail();">Dog</option>
<option onmouseover="showtrail();">Bird</option>

Above is the sample code. onmouseover only works in Firefox but in other browsers it does not work. i think bec. other browsers doesn't support onmouseover in select options.


I need to show an image when ever i hover on option.
right now onmouseover only work in firefox.

Any idea how it will work?

Member Avatar for diafol

So use a CSS :hover. You can use descendents or classnames to trigger this or if there are too many, perhaps js is your way out. Did you read the article in the link I supplied?

yes i have read. but did not understand completely.
I have lots of pet in select.
now what i want to achieve when i hover on every pet. the image of each pet is shown in nearby div. i am achieving this by ajax using onmouseever in option.
but now onmousever only works in firefoxs. its not working in other browsers.
so i think i need to use some jquery for this.

Can you give me the working code here?


Member Avatar for diafol

I think I already did in the link.

1. get jquery (google cdn link is best) in the <head>
2. give options a value as a hook for JS. <option value="blah">...</option>
3. write an event handler, either in the head, at the bottom of the page or in an ext js file with similar code to what you saw in the link I supplied.

If you get stuck with js/jQuery, go to that forum for help.

After all, this is A PHP FORUM.

onmouseover and titles both works on chrome but only when you give a size to the select box bigger then 2,but this way you will have not a dropdown menu but a list of options

<select size="3">

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