I am not used to php but i need to use a script now, but it always give me a windwos error. This is my script:
$PHP_PATH = "c:\Program Files (x86)\PHP\\";
$PHP_PATH = addcslashes($PHP_PATH, ' ');
$VR_PATH = dirname(__FILE__)."\VRClient.php";
$VR_SERVER = "http://localhost:8080/vrmobile/VRServer";
$handle = popen("C:\WINDOWS\system32\cmd /C start ".$PHP_PATH." -f ".$VR_PATH." ".$VR_SERVER, 'r');
And this is the error:
Windows cannot find c:\program. Please make sure you typed the name correctly and then try again.
Can anyone help me solving this problem ? Thanks.
Btw, I used addcslashes because someone point out that i need to espace space characters. But this didn't work for me.