The web site is on online library where the user finds a book and sends an email to the owner of the book.
My PHP creates a table of results based upon a query. One of the cells in the table includes an email link to the owner of the book. Clicking on the link opens up the user's email program with an email mostly filled in. (To, Subject,and most of the Body) The user adds a bit more to the message and then sends the email with his request.
This all works perfectly. The pertinent code is:
$body = "\nMedia: ".$row[1].", titled "".$title.""";
if ($by<>"") {$body = $body." and authored by "".$author.""";}
$body = $body."%0A %0A".$row[9]." ".$row[11];
echo '<td colspan=2><a href="';
echo 'mailto:'.$row[10].'?subject=Online Library-Item Request&body='.$body;
echo '">Contact Owner</td>
I would like to add some <i>style</i> to the actual email letter - just bold and italics. For example, putting the Title in bold and the Author in Italics.
Sending email with style from PHP is discussed on the web, but not creating a link that will create an email message in the users email program.